Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment and Suitability Analysis of Various Crops in San Andres, Quezon

Felino J. Gutierrez, Jr., Phoebe Ann Hadaza C. Villasanta, & Ma. Chariz A. Montero


Millions of people around the world depend on agriculture for food and livelihoods. The advent of climate change is threatening this sector. With its high reliance on climate and weather, agriculture is considered the most exposed sector to climate change. Likewise, farmers/fisherfolks are found to have a low ability to adapt to the changing climatic condition. Their poor adaptability of the agricultural sector was also associated with the socio-economic condition of the people, which were found to be poorer compared with those in the industrial sector. In line with this, the Philippine government through the Bureau of Agricultural Research of the Department of Agriculture implemented the Adaptation and Mitigation in Agriculture (AMlA) program that seeks to plan and implement strategies to support local communities in managing climate hazards from long-term climatic changes and extreme weather occurrences through the provision of decision support tools. Taking off from the AMlA Phase 2 framework, SLSU was commissioned to assess the risk and vulnerability of their agricultural sector of hazard-prone municipalities in Quezon Province to climate-related hazards. Using the same methodology, this study was performed to determine the vulnerable areas and crops in San Andres, Quezon which is one of the most vulnerable towns in the province. With the aid of geographic information system software (ArcGIS/QGIS), the geospatial analysis was utilized in identifying communities or barangays that will be affected by increased temperature and decreased precipitation during climate change. Among the seven (7) barangays, the study found out that barangay Alibijaban was the most vulnerable. In terms of priority agricultural crops in the municipality, it was found out that bananas will be affected the most. Research results can be used as input for science-based planning in agriculture communities to sustain food production amidst climate change.


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