Production practices of Cacao (Theobroma cacao) Farmer in the Fourth District of Quezon, Philippines

Glemechille D. Maestro, Shienna A. Leonar, & Gabriel A. Abrigonda


Cacao (Theobroma cacao) production is a potentially good source of income for farmers. It is the sole base material for chocolate and ingredient to various products. Global demand is expected to increase from 4.7 to 5 million MT and global supply will be at a deficit of one million MT by the year 2020. CALABARZON produces cacao but is the lowest (0.38%) among all the regions in the country. Among the provinces in CALABARZON Quezon is the highest in terms of area planted, the total number of cacao trees, and number of cacao-bearing trees but is behind Cavite in terms of yield per hectare. Of the 553,152 cacao trees in Quezon 251,170 are in the fourth district. Management practices from planting to harvesting affect productivity among other factors. A survey was conducted among the 10 municipalities in the district where 205 cacao farmers were randomly selected as respondents. Common production practices of cacao farmers include mulching, replanting, and pruning. Quezon is widely planted to coconut thus cacao is commonly intercropped with the coconut trees. The average harvest of cacao among the 10 municipalities is four (4) pods per tree per year. Only Alabat has a respondent with 30 pods per tree per year harvest. Harvesting is generally done by cutting to avoid damaging the flower cushion. Most respondents (73.00%) who have knowledge of GAP on cacao rarely adopt the practices. Improvement of the production practices is necessary to have sustainable production and contribute to the country’s target production of 100,000 MT by the year 2020.


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